Everyday Systems: urbanranger: message 34 of 46

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Subject: Re: [urbanranger] Urban semi-rangering?
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 03:51:14 -0800 (PST)

Welcome, Navin, and sorry for the long delay.

"Urban" rangering, nationally speaking, doesn't
address the main problem (though it addressed my
personal problem). People in cities *do* walk more,
it's easier for them. Suburban and exurban rangers are
needed. But this is, as you point out, a trickier
issue. The burbs, ex and sub, weren't built for

Inter-office walking sounds like a good start. I read
that many companies are building new office buildings
with wide, well lit stairs and really slow elevators,
etc. to encourage walking. Inter-office walking may
not work miracles in itself, but it's something, and
it's a start. It's a signal and a reinforcement of a
new attentive-determination to find ways to walk.
Keeping at it is a good in itself, maybe a small good,
but nourishes a faculty that is likely to find others.

If biking makes more sense than walking to commute, by
all means, do it. Don't guiltily drive because you
can't do the most desired thing. Biking is great.
Urban rangers bike whenever they can't walk. 

Best of luck and keep us posted,

--- navin@... wrote:

> I wandered over to this site after being on the No-S
> group for a
> while. The Urban Ranger concept is pretty good. 
> I've been running
> into many practical issues though. I'm not really
> in the city, and
> I'm not really in the suburb. I'm kind of on a
> strange semi-rural
> stretch of road that is not very friendly to
> walking. While work is
> only about 1.5 miles away, there are no sidewalks
> and a fair amount of
> traffic. I've walked to work... once... around the
> holidays when
> there is not as much traffic, but it wasn't the
> greatest walk in the
> world.
> I have found some ways to add walking to my day,
> though. There are
> multiple buildings at work, and the occasional time
> I need to go
> between buildings, I just walk (and sometimes am
> quicker than my
> co-workers who drive!) I don't use the office phone
> a lot... if I
> need to talk to somebody, I just walk over there. 
> And use the stairs
> instead of the elevator.
> Any others come up with good tips at getting a
> little more walking
> into the routine when walking to/from work or the
> store isn't very
> practical?
> Perhaps there should be an Urban Biker group...
> while my street sucks
> for walking, it isn't too bad to bike down. 
> Although I'd be afaid the
> term "urban biker" might have different
> connotations.
> Okay, I'm done rambling now.

> --------------------~--> 
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