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--- In , navin@i... wrote: > I have found some ways to add walking to my day, though. There are multiple buildings at work, and the occasional time I need to go > between buildings, I just walk (and sometimes am quicker than my > co-workers who drive!) I don't use the office phone a lot... if I > need to talk to somebody, I just walk over there. And use the stairs instead of the elevator. ...Hi there Voluteman :) For about two years from the time my son was around 2 or 3, I worked part time as a delivery girl for a restaurant (that was before I went into massage therapy, a much better field, but alot less sunshine) So whenever I had the option of taking the stairs vs the elevator, I always opted for stairs, plus I had alot of walking back and forth from the parking lots to the buildings... By the end of that job, my legs were in the best shape they had been in since college (grad 1989)... My mantra was always "Every step I take brings me closer to success" I am going to figure out how to make this a reality once again, and I hope it's soon :) I couldn't see any harm in having an offshoot group of Urban Bikers. Just make sure to get out that bandana, and roll up your sleeves to show off your tattoo :) Kidding! Do anything other than stagnate, even if it isn't urban or ranger Peace, Deb |
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