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Hi Debbie, The best structure is just finding somewhere you have to go anyway as part of your daily routine, and resolving to walk there instead of driving or riding. That's about half my weekdaily urban rangering. The other half is "lunch walks," when I usually don't have anywhere in particular to go, but just wander around. If you're having a hard time finding walkable destinations that are part of your existing routines, then do block out a time like my lunchwalks. Yes, this is harder to get into. A good way might be to 1) resolve that you shall devote (say) at least 30 consecutive minutes to this a day 2) hold yourself to this by "slashing out" days on habit from the calendar like some people are doing with nosdiet until it's a given. I think you're close to this with your park walks resolution. #2 might be all you need. "Slashing out" may not be the most appropriate term for urban ranger, but you get the idea. But do examine your routine closely. As you know from personal experience, that's the best way. When you have to get somewhere anyway you can't make an excuse not to. Reinhard --- Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote: > > > > Hey all, Only two weeks ago I promised myself that I > would Urban > Ranger through the park every day, and I can tell > you that as soon > as the promise was made, I broke it! There must be > some kind > of "self destructive" gene in my makeup...Maybe I > shouldn't have > made any promise at all, because I think somehow, I > cave under the > smallest pressures these days,,,,even self > pressure....I really want > to do Urban Ranger, I just am having the darndest > time, thinking of > a routine out here in suburbia, that I could do > without being able > to mentally back out of....I am really frustrated > about this, and > aside from slashing the tires on my car and pouring > sugar into the > gas tank, to sabatoge my wheels, I can't trick > myself into making UR > a habit yet....I want to very very much, but for > some bizzare > reason, I am not making much use of the "free time" > I have because > it is lacking a structure... > When I went to school for 16 months, I walked to the > train and then > from the train to the school and back again, every > week > day...Sometimes I resented it, especially in the > rain, but I was 30 > lbs. lighter as a result of the daily routine...Now > I'm sitting > around for 75% of the day with plenty of timeslots > available, but > I'm unable to push myself the hell out of the door! > Got any great ideas? I welcome all advise :) > The only thing I can think of now, is a "time" rule, > not a "place" > rule...I don't really have anyplace I go to > everyday, since my work > schedule is so flexible...Maybe I have to just > decide that at 9:30 > everyday, I will walk around the neighborhood for > 1/2 an hour...But > I can hear myself saying, in the background "yeah > right, you'll be > sitting on your flabby ass drinking your second cup > of java and > checking the posts" > Help! I am my own worst enemy sometimes, but I > don't want to turn > schizo over this! I just want to outsmart my bad > habits.... > Love, > Deb > > > > > > > > > --------------------~--> > Make a clean sweep of pop-up ads. Yahoo! Companion > Toolbar. > Now with Pop-Up Blocker. Get it for free! > > --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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