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Welcome, suburban ranger! I think folks in the suburbs are probably in even more need of walking than us city dwellers. It's good (in this regard, at least) that you have a phobia of driving, that's a start! Don't worry, I'm not going to go on an anti-treadmill tirade. It's certainly much better than just sitting around. And if you use it to supplement and not merely replace outdoor walking, I don't have a problem with it. But I'll do my urban ranger duty and plug a little more for outdoor walking, despite obstacles: 1. Dreary weather can be romantic. The weather in Germany and the UK is notoriously miserable, and yet these are great walking nations. Romanticism might require a bit more imagination in some soulless suburb than it would walking by a castle on the Rhine, but that's what imagination's for. 2. Though I don't live in a suburb myself, my dad does, as do my in-laws, and I've found that there are a surprising amount of places you can actually walk to, and that some of these walks are actually rather nice. So while you may not be able to walk to work, or walk to do *all* your errands, do consider whether you might not be able to walk to do *some* of them. And don't just consider, explore a little. Make it an adventure. Best of luck, and keep us posted, Reinhard --- purpleldy1 <purpleldy1@...> wrote: > I have been a member of NoS for over a month maybe > 2,I don't remember > when I joined. My healthiest times of my life I was > an Urban Ranger > or Rather a Suburban ranger and didn't know it. I > have a phobia of > driving so Driving isn't a problem for me. My > philosophy has always > been never ride when I can just as easily walk. I > may need to plan > ahead and put the extra minutes into my schedule to > get there, but I > will get there just the same. I know you are anti- > treadmills here, > but living in an area where it is frequently bad > weather, I am > seriously considering, saving my money and buying a > manual treadmill. > Currently my stradegy for no walk days has been,to > step up and down > on this mini-pallet my husband brought home from > work(they were just > going to throw it away) While I watch my favorite > shows on T.v. I am > not that consistant at it but I hope to be better. > I hope to get a > lot of advice and support from this group and give > both in equal > measure. Your friend in health Melanie > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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