Everyday Systems: urbanranger: message 21 of 46

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Subject: Urban rangering to/from hospital
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 08:25:51 -0700 (PDT)
Urban ranger is one system that has actually benefited
from our new little daughter's hospital stay. I've
discovered that the hospital is walking distance from
both home and work (about 50 minutes in both cases).
My walking lunches have to be a little shorted to make
up this longer commute, but it adds up to over 2 hours
on foot a day.


It's a nice walk, too. It's made me realize how
amazingly, literally set in my ways I normally am.
Once I have a route I go on auto pilot and rarely vary
it (the one exception is lunch time, when I'm not
really going anywhere so I can meander a bit). The
hospital has given me a destination in a new part of
town (technically a different town) and forced me to
do a bit of exploring. A reluctant adventure, maybe,
but pleasurable nonetheless.

So while I might be a lousy urban ranger in terms of
going out of my way to go new places without any need,
I'm pretty good at urban rangering to wherever it is I
need to go. And need will come, might as well take
advantage of it.

Hope the rest of you are still at it,


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